Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Our 20 week ultrasound

So, I've hit 20 weeks! I can't believe how time has flown! Typically, this would be the halfway mark for me but since I'm having twins, I will only go to 36 weeks so I'm more than halfway through. My OB is hoping I make it to June 15 (the day before my birthday - how appropriate)!

We decided to have this ultrasound done in Oakville because they were able to videotape it for us! The entire ultrasound took 90 minutes to complete and it was terribly uncomfortable for me as I can no longer lie on my back but it was well worth the wait.

Our Russell Sprouts were extremely active during the ultrasound. They were kicking their legs and waving into the camera - it was adorable! They definitely take after their mummy-to-be! :)About 30 minutes in, the technican started laughing. I asked her what was so funny and she told me that they were spooning each other! That's right, for the remainder of the ultrasound, they spooned one another lovingly - that is until Baby A turned to Baby B with a wee punch! I'm sure it was with love, but it's clear that we're going to have our hands full! On the right is a side-by-side shot of our babies heads as they spooned!

They're a little under one pound each now, which is spot on for 20 weeks! Baby A is still a wee bit smaller than Baby B (but that is completely normal) and they're both head down!

Here are two more photos from our ultrasound. The one on the left is Baby A looking into the camera. The one on the right is Baby B (a great profile shot)!

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