Monday, December 29, 2008

It's Christmas!

We had our very First Christmas with the boys this year! We had a blast! Jackson woke up super excited and ready to go! Jameson, on the other hand, was fast asleep! In fact, nothing would get him going, except his early morning bottle! Once they were fed, we took them downstairs to see what Santa brought for them for Christmas! Their eyes were alive! They couldn't wait to get their wee hands all over those beautifully wrapped gifts! They wore the paper off and went to town! It was so cute!

Christmas Morning at Home

Waking up with laryngitis ... not so cute! But I somehow managed to channel my inner LC (Lauren Conrad that is) and took advantage of my newfound raspy voice. The boys were spoiled rotten by both of their everyone, especially their Grandparents and their Aunts and Uncles! The boys even received an extra special visit from a certain Mr. Santa Claus on his day off! How lucky is that!

All the kiddies with Santa Claus!

Here are two photos of the boys with their favourite Grandparents! Notice something about these photos? Both their hands are in their mouths in both these shots! Oy!

Pappy and Nani

Noni and The Grandfather

And last but not least, I had to post a photo of yours truly! I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! We sure did!

Jameson eyeing the gifts on the floor

With Love,
Robyn x

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